GiGi Sunflowers Haircare & Cosmetics

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Hair & Beard Care for Men

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Impressive Plant-Based Hair Care Products

All Natural Ayurvedic Haircare products infused with ingredients like Henna, Alma, Brami, fenugreek Seeds, & Hibiscus. HAND MADE with ❤️🌻. Growing Happy & Healthy Hair, Edges, Eyelashes, Beards and Brows.


Greetings Sunflowers, Im GiGi & Im 50+ now! I’ve been natural all my life, always listening to my elder AUNTEES to never put any chemicals in my hair. Growing up I would put hair conditioner & hairgrease in my hair style and go. However, with the use of straightening combs, curling irons and life happening my hair started to break, become brittle, and stop growing. In 2013, At 5'1, 230lbs and borderline diabetic. I needed to lose weight. So I had weight loss surgery and one of the post-surgery effects is rapid hair loss. In fear of losing my hair I begin to researched ways to strengthen and grow my hair thus, I began making my own hair products using ayurvedic ingredients and I was able to heal my scalp & my hair grew back!!

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